Traveling to Peru each year has become one of the most energizing parts of my job with Coprodeli USA. For the majority of the year, I'm concentrating on the behind-the-scenes part of the development work we do - getting our projects funded - sometimes it feels removed from what is actually happening on the ground.
The chance to spend three weeks on the ground with Coprodeli Peru, work with US volunteers, visit the project sites and people, really brings a new clarity to the value of our work - to see the progress each year in Coprodeli communities amidst continuing poverty that surrounds it!
This year, I had the honor to lead a group of 9 volunteers from the University of Tennessee - visiting 5 provinces and providing free care to 550 patients over 10 days. The dedication, compassion, work ethic, and enthusiasm demonstrated by all was inspiring and earned tremendous respect and praise from the Coprodeli team - calling them 'chambiadores,' or 'those who answer the need for work.'
In my role as translator/coordinator for this amazing group of volunteers, I was reenergized for the mission of Coprodeli USA.
And I flew back north with a clear understanding of the ongoing challanges that still face us. Many of Coprodeli's Health & Humanitarian Aid Programs depend on donations for daily operation; they depend on Coprodeli USA.
I will continue to do my part to ensure that Coprodeli doctors in Peru have the resources they need to attend to their patients. I invite you to play a role too! Join the One+One campaign, and help us send a container of invaluable supplies to our friends in Peru in August!