My name is Jodi Chan and I’m currently an intern for COPRODELI at the VA/DC office. I’m a first year graduate student in the International Development Studies Program at The Elliott School. I’m originally from the Bay Area in California and just moved to the DC area in August 2010.
My experience as an intern at COPRODELI has been extremely valuable and enjoyable. In addition to learning about the processes of implementing projects and grantwriting, the best part about the internship is working with other individuals who are passionate about what they do and making a difference in people’s lives. At COPRODELI I was able to learn a lot about development work in Peru and at the same time have a lot of fun working with other interns and staff who are very dedicated to helping communities living in poverty. Forming friendships and having a real impact on people’s lives are two aspects that I have found extremely rewarding. Furthermore, I was able to work on projects that focused on issues that I am particularly interested in, such as at-risk children and youth. As an international development studies major, I learned many new skills that I’m sure I will utilize later on in my career. Additionally, my experience at COPRODELI has contributed to my coursework at school because I am able to bring additional insights to discussions about international development.
I also really enjoyed attending COPRODELI events. On one occasion, I attended a photo gallery exhibit at the Embassy of Peru showcasing the work of photographer Christopher Kleihege. That event was a lot of fun and I plan to attend more COPRODELI events in the future!