Thursday, August 23, 2012

We are #1!!


The Regional Director of Education in Callao, Dr. Victor Manuel Portilla recognized our schools: Agustín de Hipona and San Francisco Solano for high scores in Mathematics and Reading Comprehension.

San Francisco Solano School placed 3rd in Mathematics in the entire Region Callao (population 800,000) among both private and public schools.

Agustín de Hipona earned a Double-Merited award for TOP #1 performance in Mathematics and Reading Comprehension in the entire Region Callao.

All Coprodeli schools in Callao placed above the national average. 
How have we created leading schools in the most difficult areas of the country?
- We work as a network of 16 schools sharing best practices and resources to educate 4,000 students
- Dedicated professionals - teachers, directors - and parents
- Extended school day from 730 am to 5 pm - keeping children off the streets and developing extra skills
- Values are at the core of our curriculum

Pablo Huacho, Roxana Cancino, Carmen Suarez (Dir. San Francisco Solano), Marivel Sandoval (Dir. Agustin de Hipona) and Padre Miguel Ranera

San Agustin de Hipona School with Double Merit Award for First in Mathematics and Reading Comprehension!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Coprodeli goes to the Jungle of San Martin!

Coprodeli is working promote local development and social equality, strengthening participation of local communities of Bellavista Province, San Martin Region, Peru. The intervention will promote peace and prevent social conflict through activities that provide opportunity for populations to cover basic and agricultural needs and manage social conflict.  Check out Coprodeli in the jungle of San Martin! 

Components of the Intervention Include:
Agricultural School and Group Home – Currently offers a technical and academic education to 100 students while simultaneously teaching values with respect to management of economic, social, personal and political spheres.  The Group Home attends to 25 girls of farming families in the region who otherwise could not access education due to their remote location in the jungle.
Business Incubator - Will work with small agricultural businesses to improve business management and administration.  Services provided will be carried out through trainings that teach business plan development, target markets, and local economy.
Social Infrastructure Program– Will potentiate the role of local government and organizations through the design of public infrastructure projects that optimize public funding sources to improve access to underprivileged communities and excluded groups: women, minorities, etc. 


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